Substantially Improve Protein Electrophoresis Resolution!

5 minutes to Optimal Resolution

PAGE-Optimizer-Graphic.pngRemove contaminants for optimal SDS-PAGE gel resolution

One spin to the perfect gel

  1. Eliminate smeared lanes
  2. Reveal key missing protein bands
  3. Resolve distorted bands for improved visualization
  4. Prevent overlapping lanes resulting in contamination and distortion of adjacent lanes
  5. Reduce swollen lanes to prevent protein contamination


  • Just one spin to a perfect gel
  • Apply sample, spin then load
  • Simple, 5 minute procedure
  • No protein band loss

The application note shows how PAGE-Optimizer efficiently and effectively removes a large range of electrophoretic interfering agents, including:

  • Detergents
  • Salts
  • Chaotropes
  • Sugars

Download the free application note to find the key to better, faster protein resolution!